3 Tips to Run with Your Canine Jogging Partner

Running is an excellent way to keep fit and improve endurance. It is a great exercise your canine jogging partner can also engage in. However, it isn’t wise to start with a two-km run that can leave your little pupper gasping for breath.
So, hold your horses, both of you start slow, gradually build stamina, and then move on to participate in vigorous activities like running and other adventure sports. With an energetic lifestyle like this, it is essential to have a medical financial backup in terms of cheap pup insurance because accidental injuries and other medical emergencies are possible.
Search insurance for pets online to find popular puppy insurers and the different levels of cover each of them provide. Weigh the benefits of various plans available, then assess your fur companion’s health needs and your budget before signing up for a policy. In the meantime, read this article to learn some tips to run with your adorable furry friend.
Tip #1
Wait until your puppy attains the right age before running with it. Young puppies should not be permitted to run until they turn a year old, at least. Achieving skeletal maturity is essential, so your fur baby can run great lengths with little trouble. Your four-legged friend’s bones should be fully developed so running can be fun and not detrimental to health.
Otherwise, your pet pooch can develop serious health problems. The muscles tire out easily and suffer tears while the bones grind against each other at the joints, causing irreparable damage. It is worth noting here that the larger the dog breed, the longer it takes for a pup belonging to that breed to achieve skeletal maturity.
Keeping this in mind, some puppies may fully grow and be eligible to participate in rigorous exercise and activities only by one and a half to two years of age.
Tip #2
Once your puppy reaches physical maturity, take it to the vet for an examination and get a health clearance for running. If your vet confirms that your furry little one is ready for running, start with moderate endurance-building activities.
Run for short distances with your pet; for example, cover only one km in a week. Pay attention to your canine’s energy levels before and after a run, and assess the recovery time as well as the rate of breathing, hunger levels, interest in worldly things, condition of paw pads, facial expressions, gestures, and more post run, so you know if your puppy finds running sessions daunting.
Tip #3
A 15-to-20-minute jog thrice a week (alternate days) would be sufficient initially. Slowly add five more minutes to the jogging duration if your furry baby can cope with the exercise. Warm-ups help prepare your pet’s body for the upcoming jog/run, so have a brief warm-up session before hitting the road.
Carry fresh water, keep an eye out for fatigue signs, give sufficient breaks during the run, and increase the number of recovery days before scheduling the next running marathon if your puppy seems lethargic or exhausted after a long run.
Puppies that run daily or often typically suffer from paw pad injuries or wear and tear. Excessive engagement can damage their bones and joints and cause dehydration and heat stroke when running on a sweltering day or during summer.
Consider being prepared with cheap pup insurance in the least so tackling such health emergencies is much easier. Suppose you don’t have a policy, search insurance for pets online, check various plans available, then request and compare quotes to sign up for the best plan that suits your pupper’s health needs.