Nutmeg is cultivated as a spice crop. Its plant is evergreen. Nutmeg is cultivated in many countries along with India, and the Moluccas Islands of Indonesia are said to be its place of origin. Its dried fruits are used to make spices, aromatic oils and medicines.
Nutmeg plants take 6 to 7 years, and the full-grown plant is 15 to 20 feet high. Its raw fruits are used to make jams, candies and pickles. At present, wide improved varieties of nutmeg are being grown. The fruits and flowers develop in clusters, and the fruits that emerge are pear-shaped.
Nutmeg Cultivation
Nutmeg can be cultivated in any fertile soil, but sandy loam soil or red laterite soil is suitable for obtaining commercially high yields. General P.H. It can be quickly produced in the valued land. Its plant requires a tropical climate, and its plants grow well in the winter and summer seasons. For all the farming tasks Swaraj 855 tractor model is best.
Long periods of cold and falling frost are harmful to the plants. Plants grow properly in average rainfall. Its plants germinate well at 20 to 22 degrees temperature, and 25 to 30 degrees temperature is required for plant development. Nutmeg plants can tolerate a minimum temperature of 10 degrees and a maximum of 37 degrees.
Field Preparation
Nutmeg plant, once planted, is ready to produce for many years. Therefore, its field is prepared well in the beginning also. To prepare the area, first of all, the soil of the domain is deeply ploughed with turning ploughs. Due to this, the remains of the old crop in the field are destroyed, after which they are removed from the area, and the field is cleared. After ploughing, the field is left open like this for some time. So that the sun’s sunlight gets appropriately into the soil of the area and the harmful elements present in the soil are destroyed.
The pits are prepared in rows for planting seedlings in a flat field. A distance of 18 to 20 feet is kept between each row, and there should be a distance of 20 feet between each pit. These pits should be two feet wide and one and a half to two feet deep. Afterwards, the appropriate amount of organic and chemical fertilisers are mixed in these prepared pits and filled in the holes. All these pits should be prepared two months before planting.
The pits prepared for planting nutmeg plants must be given the proper amount of fertiliser so that the plants can develop properly. For this, while drilling the holes, 10 to 12 K.G. organic manure is mixed with 200 GM N. P.K. Mix it well with the quantity of soil and fill it in each pit. Moreover, this fertiliser has to be given to the plants continuously for three years. The amount of fertiliser is increased with the growth of the plant.
Method of Transplanting
Nutmeg plants are transplanted both by seed and cutting methods. For this, the plants are prepared in the nursery. If farmer brothers want, they can also buy saplings from any government registered nursery. Planting is done by making a small pit in the prepared holes in the field. Before transplanting these pits, they are treated with the appropriate amount of cow urine or Bavistin. This reduces the risk of early diseases to the plants. Plants planted in pots have to be buried at a depth of 2 cm.
Nutmeg plants require more irrigation in the beginning. Also, in the summer season, its plants have to be watered at an interval of 15 to 17 days, and in the winter season, irrigate the plants at an interval of 25 to 30 days. During the rainy season, the need for water for its plants is negligible. If the rain does not come on time, the plants can give water. As a result, nutmeg plants need only 5 to 7 irrigations in a year.
Weed Control
A natural method is used to control weeds in nutmeg crops. The first wedding in its yield is done 25 to 30 days after transplanting. Its plants require only 7 to 8 hoeing in a year. Fully grown plants require only two to three hoeings. Apart from this, whenever weeds are seen in the field, remove them by hoeing. For controlling weeds Swaraj 744 Tractor model is best as it can handle all the equipment easily.
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