How To Use Social Media For Your Business

Social networks are the perfect weapon for companies. A company that does not know how to use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin will be losing many opportunities for dissemination, promotion, advertising, or sales.
In other words, if you are not on social networks, your company is slowly dying.
With this, I do not intend that you register your business on all the social networks you find, but you need to know which ones are profitable for your project and which ones you will be able to manage professionally.
Just as it is very important to hire an SEO so that your website appears in the first position, using social networks intelligently for your business can become one of the determining points for your company to grow and achieve maximum diffusion.
Nowadays, there are more and more companies that use social media as an essential strategy, and if you don’t, you will be left behind.
When we talk about social networks and online marketing, the objective, whatever your product or service is, is to achieve a certain level of customer loyalty to your brand, which can be encouraged with raffles, useful content, and other actions so that this relationship is lasting.
Each recommendation you make of your product also influences the purchase decision. This will be heard by your community and will be enhanced by interacting with your followers. In this way, it will be much easier to retain them since they will feel closer to you and your brand.
Another reason to be present is that your potential customers are found on social networks in addition to your competition.
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What are social networks?
According to Wikipedia, a social network is defined as:
A social network is a social structure composed of a set of actors (such as individuals or organizations) that are related according to some criteria (professional relationship, friendship, kinship, etc.).
They are normally represented by symbolizing the actors as nodes and the relationships as lines that join them. The type of connection that can be represented in a social network is a dyadic relationship of interpersonal bonds.
Social networks have become, in a few years, a global phenomenon. They expand as open systems in constant construction of themselves, just like the people who use them.
Social networks are platforms through which users who are registered in them interact and seek information or entertainment.
People are always social by nature, and we tend to group together and interact with family, co-workers, and friends.
Internet and new technologies favor the development and expansion of social networks.
Using Social Networks has already become fundamental to the success of most companies, and the digital medium can generate great opportunities.
What social networks to use for your company?
It is best to start little by little, and it is useless to be registered in many social networks and not manage any of them.
Before choosing them, we must be clear about which social networks your customers are on.
According to the Annual Study of Social Networks, Facebook continues to be the social network with the most users. We like to start with Facebook because it is the most used. If your business is B2C, it is ideal.
Instagram is the social network that has grown the most this year. Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2015, that is, between 0 and 20 years old) is the one that uses the largest number of Social Networks at the same time and with the greatest frequency. Being Instagram is one of his favorites. Ideal for companies to do branding.
Twitter is ideal for promoting the digital communication of your company or public administration since its dynamism allows you to have quick and direct dialogues. This is the reason why it is ideal for customer service.
Who is your target audience or community?
We could say that a target audience is a group of people who want and/or need what we can offer and, for that reason, we will have more chances of them buying our products or hiring our services. This profile is called a follower and potential customer or potential customer.
Knowing who your target audience is is one of the main requirements for a company to be successful in its project.
Knowing who we are targeting is vital. The way to find it is by segmenting it by sex, age, demographic data, interests, and income.
What strategy to use?
Once we know who our target audience is, we have to design a social media strategy to achieve our goals.
We show you some examples of strategies to follow, depending on the objective.
To increase the number of followers:
- Carry out raffles in which one of the participation requirements was to follow the company’s account on the social network.
- Provide high-value content for your followers, and that is useful to users.
- Interact with your followers and share their content.
- To increase the visibility of your brand, you could do the following:
- Social media advertising on Facebook with Facebook Ads
- Make promotions or offers of your products.
Social media tools
There are many tools there. There are content creation tools for social media like Canva and FlexClip, which we use the most. But today we will mention the tools that can increase the productivity by programming content, in order to save time.
Hootsuite is one of the best tools to manage social networks. It allows you to manage several social profiles simultaneously. Posts can be scheduled on many social networks, which can save us a lot of time throughout the week.
It allows you to enter a domain in its search engine, after which it provides you with a report on which content is most shared on social networks.
In this way, you can very easily find out what content caused the greatest impact on your audience and, consequently, define the type of post that your company’s audience demands.
It helps us detect and capture the quality audience. And It allows us to deepen the relationship with our followers. Metrics are customizable, and goals can be set.
- Allows you to create and organize custom Timelines in various ways.
- Follow-up of own or third-party lists
- Configuration of personalized automatic searches and hashtags.
- Monitoring for account analysis of several Twitter accounts.
It is complete, and we like it a lot because:
- The number of accounts you can add.
- The possibilities of programming schedules.
- The number of posts to schedule.
- Analytics reports.
- It presents a paid version in which these aspects are improved.
- It is much more than a URL shortener.
- It also allows us to publish content on Facebook and Twitter, and, best of all, it gives us statistics on visits and penetration of our content.
It is one of the best tools for sharing content on social networks in an automated way.
Blogsterapp is one of those tools that becomes part of your daily life when you start using it.
It allows you to share your content completely automatically without worrying about anything.
It offers the option of content curation, being able to program content from other blogs.
How to use social networks for companies, Advertising
As a result of the growth of Facebook, it implemented a paid advertising service similar to the one that has been working for a long time in Google (GoogleAds) and that allows you to create advertisements for your brand that reach the public you want.
How to use social media to increase your website traffic
By using social networks, we can increase the number of visits to our website, a very simple way is to publish the articles on our blog. We program it repeatedly to get the most out of it.
Do not post only once because you will be losing the opportunity for your content can be visited.
We can also publish in Facebook groups because by publishing your content in them, you will get more reach, and the advantage is that all members of the group receive a notification of the publications.
It would be best if you analyze which social network to be on, the goal you want to achieve, and the tools you are going to use to achieve it, because in addition to your customers, there is also your competition.