Top 5 Foods To Help Lowering Cholesterol

In our bodies, we have both good and bad cholesterol. These are also known as low-density lipoprotein LDL (Bad Cholestrol) and high-density lipoprotein HDL (Good Cholestrol). Their levels keep fluctuating based on what foods you give to your body. For many people, it is no big deal when the food they eat impacts their cholesterol levels.
Now, this is kind of true, as an essential organ of the body like the liver makes around 85% of the cholesterol in the body. In order to keep a check, it is essential to get an LDL-Cholestrol Test done to know the exact level of cholesterol in your body. But at the same time, it is very important to stay away from the foods that might cause you high cholesterol levels that can impact the body in various ways.
What Foods Contain Cholestrol?
There is a big list of foods that is high in cholesterol levels. The major ones include high-fat dairy products, baked goods, poultry, and saturated fats in fatty meats. Having these foods can increase your bad cholesterol (LDL) and can lower the good cholesterol (HDL).
Now, this can result in forming plaque n the arteries and then eventually can lead to a number of cardiac issues later in life.
The diet we take is responsible for a number of issues and conditions that occur to our bodies. So several foods are there to help you keep your LDL levels low.
Foods to Eat
There are a lot of food options that one can eat in order to keep the LDL cholestrol level low and keep the HD level in moderate amounts. Make sure to add this food to your pantry and make good use of them. The best foods to try are mentioned below.
One of the best sources to get fiber is the consumption of legumes. This includes kidney beans, dried beans, split peas, and even lentils. These beans are also full of protein and are highly fulfilling. They also let you eat less as they fulfill your stomach equal to one whole meal.
If you want to replace meat, then make sure to add legumes in your diet. This also works great for reducing high cholesterol levels. Legumes also are great for managing the blood sugar levels in the body.
Grains and oats are very healthy sources of soluble fiber. It can be added to your daily routine by consuming it on a daily basis during breakfast. Make a bowl of oatmeal and replace it with your conventional breakfast.
If you want to add more fiber to your diet, then make sure you use them in your food by rounding them well. You can make chapatis and even other bread using oats and grains and fulfill your appetite without increasing your cholesterol levels.
The best grains to use are rye, millet, barley, quinoa, and even brown rice.
Seeds and Nuts
If you are in need of eating something crunchy and are looking for snack ideas, then make sure that you add a handful of nuts to your diet. The best way to add nuts and seeds is by adding options like chia seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, and flax seeds. Now, all of these options can help in increasing HDL and in lowering LDL, not only this but triglycerides too.
Eat them every day and replace them with other unhealthy snacks that might increase your LDL cholesterol levels. When it comes to seeds, you can add sunflower seeds, and chia seeds to greek yogurt and enjoy a proper meal.
Instead of eating a burger or a traditional stake, make a change and try out salmon instead. If you want your cholesterol to stay controlled then replace your red meat, lambs, and veal with health options like salmon, mackerel, and even tuna.
Fish is also full of omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fat that work great in helping to reduce LDL cholesterol. By replacing the fat in the red meat and opting for fat in the fish, you can reduce your cholesterol levels overall.
Non-starchy Vegetables
Make sure to add non-starchy vegetables to your diet. Add cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus. These are also low in calories and high in fiber. These can also help you with the protein deficit in your body.
Thes vegetables can help greatly in achieving your goals of keeping your cholesterol levels low.
Keeping your cholesterol levels low can be a huge challenge for you. But this can easily be managed by opting for food options that not only keep your tummy full but also your cholesterol levels in control. Add all the above-mentioned foods to your daily diet and make sure to eat them in place of your daily food intake. Feel free to consult your doctor in case of any emergency.